Be as it may, despite my hypervigilance over the care of my piggies, the Black Pearl did chip along the slowly lengthening tips. Short of a fortnight, it came time to dissolve its speckled blue-hued gray substance. I regret that it wasn't my best polish application and under a critical eye, the perionychium was encroached upon due to several slips of my brush strokes.
I was eager to embark on my next adventure with a bottle of Seduce Me from China Glaze. As I was scanning my eyes over the pink-red spectrum at Sally Beauty Supply, I came upon this little number that appeared to be an energetic red subdued by a touch of pink. My toes had already suffered three days of blandness without a colored life. They did get filed back, shaped, and polished smooth. Cuticles were tamed. My foot care regimen has dialed back a bit. I'm not filing my souls so often so as to let the skin recover. About every 3 days seems just the proper amount to keep them soft and not so sore. I may have been too aggressive at the start of my newfound obsession. I put padding on my work shoes to cushion the burden of my own weight and the prolonged standing I endure in my profession.
The local art festival was met with strong rays of sun beating upon the crowd. The long winter and early summer rain showers had weakened my resistance to heat. I armed myself with 45SPF Neutrogena Healthy Defense daily moisturizer over my face and a pair of sunglasses. By the way, this cream was highly recommended by a dermatologist friend who preferred this particular item over many other very expensive and exclusive creams.
With my family out running around town, our quiet abode set the mood for the home spa experience. My feet were gently cleansed prior to applying a clear base coat. This time I used the Seche Clear base coat. I really enjoyed the ease of use from this base. It is thin in consistency but not runny and so easy to apply. It dried quickly and evenly. I was using the Revlon quick dry base coat before and wasn't completely satisfied with it. It had the same thick consistency as the nail polish itself and perhaps dried a bit too quickly. Seduce Me burst my excitement from the first caress of the tainted brush. My heartbeat was startled by an "Oh my!" reaction that grew stronger through the revival of each nail. Surprisingly, my painting was rather good this time but not perfect. The polish was smooth and flawless over its glossy surface. My great toes are the hardest to do because of the large surface area and it always requires re-dipping the brush twice before covering it. The paint dries fast and subsequent strokes over semi-dry paint can leave irreconcilable smudge marks. As a perfectionist, I HATE that! I dislike starting over even more. Following the theme, a smooth layer of Seche Vite top coat was evenly smothered over the seductive red. The top coat is thicker compared to its counterpart but easy to apply as well with good results. I managed to only have a few violations of the borders of the nail and that was corrected with minimal scraping from my fingernail and finished off with a hot shower later that afternoon. I am proud of myself for improving both my time of application and the end result.
With a complete set of nine and my handicapped weakling, I smiled and slipped on my most favorite pair of sandals and quickly prepared to show them off at the festival. The large crowd meant lots of eyes eventually or accidentally, and maybe even reluctantly had to notice my fully exposed piggies. Not a single comment, not even from my wife's friend, whom we met there for the event. She was being polite. I caught only one guy that noticed and made a face of disgust. Poor soul, I forgive him. I have to come forward and admit that I do yearn for someone, anyone, to at least acknowledge my boldness and compliment my toes sincerely. Not the right town I suppose. I guess if I lived in L.A. or NYC it would not seem so out there. I guess it's dumb of me to wish that since I'm really only doing it to please myself. I am flawed.